Aceh Singkil -- Panwaslih Aceh Singkil has opened registration for prospective members of the Subdistrict Panwaslih (Panwaslihcam) for the R...
Aceh Singkil -- Panwaslih Aceh Singkil has opened registration for prospective members of the Subdistrict Panwaslih (Panwaslihcam) for the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) for Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor in 2024.
Aceh Singkil -- Panwaslih Aceh Singkil membuka pendaftaran calon anggota Panwaslih Kecamatan (Panwaslihcam) untuk Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati, Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Tahun 2024.
Chairman of the Panwaslih Aceh Singkil, Irwansyah Rizal, through the Division Coordinator Human Resources, Organization, Education and Training, Rahimuddin, stated that the socialization stage for the formation of the Subdistrict Panwaslih had begun on 22-24 July 2024.
Ketua Panwaslih Aceh Singkil, Irwansyah Rizal, melalui Koordinator Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia, Organisasi, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Rahimuddin, menyatakan bahwa tahapan sosialisasi pembentukan Panwaslih Kecamatan sudah dimulai sejak tanggal 22-24 Juli 2024.
Rahimuddin invited the sons and daughters of Aceh Singkil who met the requirements in 11 sub-districts to participate as Supervisors for the 2024 Regional Head Election at the Sub-District Level.
Rahimuddin mengajak putra-putri Aceh Singkil yang memenuhi persyaratan di 11 kecamatan untuk ikut sebagai Pengawas Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2024 di Tingkat Kecamatan.
He ensured that the entire Subdistrict Panwaslih recruitment process would be transparent and objective, in accordance with applicable regulations.
Dia memastikan bahwa seluruh proses perekrutan Panwaslih Kecamatan akan berjalan transparan dan objektif, sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku.
The selection process will follow a series of selections, starting from administrative selection, CAT-based written tests to interview selection.
Proses seleksi akan mengikuti serangkaian seleksi, mulai dari seleksi administrasi, tes tertulis berbasis CAT hingga seleksi wawancara.
"Reception of administrative files for Candidates for Subdistrict Panwaslih Members begins on 27-29 July 2024 at 09.00-17.00 WIB, and the last day for registration closes on 29 July 2024 at 23.59 WIB," said Rahimuddin in his statement to, Thursday 25 July 2024.
"Untuk Penerimaan berkas administrasi Calon Anggota Panwaslih Kecamatan dimulai pada tanggal 27-29 Juli 2024 pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB, dan hari terakhir pendaftaran ditutup pada tanggal 29 Juli 2024 pukul 23.59 WIB," kata Rahimuddin dalam keterangannya kepada, Kamis 25 Juli 2024.
With regard to the registration of Subdistrict Panwaslih candidates, the registration requirements and administrative file forms for Subdistrict Panwaslih candidates can be downloaded via the page or link, and on the page or link that have been provided by Panwaslih Aceh Singkil.
Berkenaan dengan Pendaftaran calon Panwaslih Kecamatan, syarat pendaftaran, dan formulir berkas administrasi calon Panwaslih Kecamatan dapat diunduh melalui halaman atau link, dan dihalaman atau link yang telah disediakan Panwaslih Aceh Singkil.
Registration requirements are delivered directly to the Aceh Singkil Panwaslih secretariat at the Aceh Singkil Kesbangpol Office, Pulo Sarok Village, Singkil District, bringing the original documents.
Persyaratan pendaftaran diantar langsung ke sekretariat Panwaslih Aceh Singkil di Kantor Kesbangpol Aceh Singkil, Desa Pulo Sarok Kecamatan Singkil dengan membawa berkas asli.
"Candidate registration documents can also be sent online via the Aceh Singkil panwaslih email:," he added.
"Dokumen pendaftaran calon juga dapat dikirimkan secara online melalui email panwaslih Aceh Singkil:," imbuhnya.
In the event that candidate registration documents are sent online, said Rahim, the prospective registrants are required to submit physical documents during the written test on condition that they have been declared to have passed the administration.
Dalam hal dokumen pendaftaran calon dikirimkan melalui online, kata Rahim, maka calon pendaftar tersebut wajib menyampaikan dokumen fisik pada saat pelaksanaan tes tertulis dengan syarat telah dinyatakan lulus administrasi.
"Each document is made in triplicate, consisting of one original and two photocopies," he added.
"Untuk dokumen masing-masing dibuat rangkap tiga yang terdiri satu rangkap asli dan dua rangkap fotokopi," imbuhnya.
Registration and selection of candidates for District Panwaslih is free of charge. Rahim hopes that the Subdistrict Panwaslih recruitment process in Aceh Singkil Regency can run smoothly and professionally.