NKRITERKINI.COM ,ACEH SINGKIL - The Telaga Bakti Village Government, North Singkil District, Aceh Singkil, received a Certificate of Award ...
NKRITERKINI.COM,ACEH SINGKIL - The Telaga Bakti Village Government, North Singkil District, Aceh Singkil, received a Certificate of Award for the Climate Village Program (Proklim) from the Aceh Singkil Regency Government on Wednesday, July 31 2024 as an appreciation for the village's efforts in protecting the environment and sustainable living.
The Telaga Bakti Village Government received the certificate at a tree planting event to commemorate World Environment Day. The Proklim program is a national program managed by Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia.
The Telaga Bakti Village Government has implemented various climate change mitigation and adaptation programs, such as sustainable natural resource management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing public awareness of climate change.
Thanks to these efforts, the Telaga Bakti Village Government received support and appreciation from the government and the community.
Not only that, the Telaga Bakti Village Government also has full support from PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti (PT PLB), the parent company in Telaga Bakti Village. PT PLB provides technical assistance, training, as well as material and equipment assistance in implementing environmental programs.
Synergy between government, society and companies is the key to success in preserving the environment.
Public Relations of PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti (PT PLB), Teguh AW stated that the award received by the Telaga Bakti Village Government was the result of the sincerity and hard work of the Telaga Bakti village government in overcoming climate change and implementing the principles of sustainable development.
The synergy between the Telaga Bakti Village Government and PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti in implementing environmental programs in Telaga Bakti Village is the main cause of this success.
In filling World Environment Day, PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti also provided assistance in the form of 161 fruit plants for reforestation in Telaga Bakti Village.
In addition, PT PLB also provided at least 200 goody bags in support of the Semangkup (Spirit to Reduce Plastic) program by encouraging the role of mothers to replace the use of plastic with goody bags in all shopping activities.
Catur Wibowo as the Assistant for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti (PT PLB) also congratulated the Telaga Bakti Village Government on the Proklim award.
He confirmed that good cooperation between the company and the Telaga Bakti Village Government is one of the keys to success in maintaining a sustainable environment.
"We hope that this kind of sustainable environmental program can be an inspiration for other village or city governments in Indonesia and the world," he concluded.
The Head of Telaga Bakti Village, Liliyana, expressed her gratitude to the Aceh Singkil Regency Government and PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti for the support that has been given.
The success of the Telaga Bakti Village Government in receiving the Proklim award is an example of how sustainable environmental programs can be implemented through good cooperation between all parties.
Environmental programs like this demonstrate PT PLB's social responsibility in protecting the environment, improving the welfare of the surrounding community, and bringing many benefits to the environment and the community.
PT PLB is committed to continuing to support sustainable environmental programs as an effort to maintain environmental sustainability for future generations.
Hopefully this can be an inspiration for other villages to start implementing sustainable environmental programs and bring many benefits to the community and the surrounding environment. (Jamal)