Jakarta - The Dewan Kehormatan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (DK PWI) has permanently dismissed Hendry Ch Bangun from their membership and r...
Jakarta - The Dewan Kehormatan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (DK PWI) has permanently dismissed Hendry Ch Bangun from their membership and removed him from his position as the Central Chairman of PWI. This decision was made due to several violations of PRT, KPW, KEJ, and PD PWI by Hendry. The article highlights the consequences of violating journalistic principles and emphasizes the importance of following the rules and regulations set out by the organization.
In a recent development, the Dewan Kehormatan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (DK PWI) has taken a strong stand against violations of journalistic principles by permanently dismissing Hendry Ch Bangun from their membership and removing him from his position as the Central Chairman of PWI. This decision was made due to several violations of PRT, KPW, KEJ, and PD PWI by Hendry. The organization has expressed that every member of PWI must follow the rules and regulations set out by the organization to maintain the essence of journalistic principles.
As a responsible leader of the organization, the Central Chairman of PWI Pusat is expected to exhibit exemplary behavior and lead by example in implementing the tasks assigned to him. Before being permanently dismissed, Hendry Ch Bangun had already been warned against his prior violations through a separate Surat Keputusan Nomor. Instead of correcting his behavior, Hendry continued to operate in a manner inconsistent with PWI's regulations. He refused to attend the clarifications' meeting when he was warned on 11th of July 2024 to revoke his decision of reorganization of PWI Pusat, as it involved Pengurus Dewan Kehormatan.
The organization's Dewan Kehormatan PWI then assigned Ketua Bidang Organisasi PWI Pusat, Zulmansyah Sekedang, to hold a Pleno meeting of Pengurus Pusat to appoint someone who will replace Hendry as the Pelaksana Tugas. This decision highlights the importance of following the organization's regulations and making necessary changes as needed to ensure their effective implementation.
The recent action taken by Dewan Kehormatan PWI raises awareness on the importance of maintaining the essence of journalistic principles while educating members not to violate the code of ethics. To function effectively, PWI Pusat requires every member to contribute positively by following organizational regulations. The action taken against Hendry is proof that corrective measures and consequences will be enforced by Dewan Kehormatan PWI if members are found to be in violation of their agreed-upon principles.
In conclusion, Dewan Kehormatan Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (DK PWI) has taken a decisive stand against members' conduct that does not meet the ethical journalistic standards of the organization. Hendry Ch Bangun's dismissal should serve as a lesson for every member of PWI Pusat that they must adhere to the rules and regulations set out by the organization. The importance of maintaining journalistic principles and conducting oneself with the highest ethical standards should always remain top priority for members of PWI Pusat.